Medi-Cal Enrollment

Medi-Cal is California’s Medicaid public health insurance program.  Medi-Cal provides free or low-cost medical services for children and adults with limited income (and limited resources for some Medi-Cal programs).  It is supported by federal and state taxes.  Book your appointment here or submit your own application here, it only takes 10 minutes.

Who can receive Medi-Cal?
Since January 1, 2024, a new law in California will give Medi-Cal to people 26 through 49 years old who qualify for Medi-Cal. Unlike before, immigration status does not matter. This new law means that all California residents who qualify for Medi-Cal are eligible for Medi-Cal benefits.

What services are covered by Medi-Cal?
•    Emergency services
•    Hospitalization
•    Maternity and newborn care
•    Mental health and substance use disorder services, including behavioral health treatment
•    Prescription drugs and so much more!

If you are enrolled in one of the following programs, you can also get Medi-Cal:
•    CalFresh
•    SSI/SSP
•    CalWorks (AFDC)
•    Refugee Assistance
•    Foster Care or Adoption Assistance Program

How Do I Apply?
You can apply in person or do an over-the-phone application, call us to hear the options. We’ll walk through the entire application with you in your preferred language. To schedule your own appointment click here, to fill out your own application click here or call us at 2-1-1 and we will book you.
If you already have Medi-Cal and need to contact your case worker please call the Orange County Social Service Agency Call Center c at 1-800-281-9799.

Helpful Links:
Apply for Medi-Cal benefits through BenefitsCal.  
Department of Health Care Services: Medi-Cal FAQ